Thursday 22 February 2024


                                               REALITY and HOPE

Reality is understanding our actual state, unless we understand our actual state, our shortcomings and means to overcome those shortcomings we cannot have hope for the future. If we donot understand the reality our intellect is wasted and we are no better than animals.

Undestanding reality should begin with undesrtanding whether God exists or not and if there is a God what are his plans for our salvation and what are his judgments to those who forsake and rebel against him. If there is a God he would provide us with verifiable evidence of his existense, power and love for us. This we can find in Holy Bible which is the God's eternal Word for the salvation of all mankind who will trust God.

1000’s of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled till date according to secular historic data, Jesus himself fulfilled more than 300 messianic prophecies, thus proving he is the Christ/Messiah,1000’s of miracle healings happen throughout the world , few of which gets reported in christian media, is all open for verification and certified credible by many. This gives Holy Bible credibilty as God’s eternal word.

Mistranslations, copyist errors have occured in some Bible copies and translations because of lack of fear of God and dedication and due to pre – concieved ideas based on lies. But original texts of Holy Bible are intact, although the earliest manuscripts may not be available, so that mankind is without excuse regarding God’s eternal word.

This study aid for God’s eternal word – Holy Bible helps the reader to correctly understand the scriptures based on original texts, so that the reader will understand greatness of the magnitude of glory of God, the truth , justice and eternal nature of his judgements, his plan of salvation through son of God – Lord Jesus Christ for all those who will trust in him and its very great relevance for our current situation, so that many will turn from their foolish sinful rebellion against God almighty and trust in Lord Jesus Christ so that they will have eternal life and God’s restoration work can be done effectively. These Bible study aid blog posts are constantly updated as more of God's revelations arrive, although original post date is not changed.

Importance of the name of God

The name of God revealed in God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible is Yahowah which is shortened as Yah in some scriptures.( Exodus 15:2,17:16, Psalms 68:4,18,77:11,89:8,94:7,12,102:18, 104:35, 105:45, 106:48, 111:1,112:1, 113:1,9, 115:17,18, 116:19, 117:2, 118:5,14,17,18,19, 122:4, 130:3,135:1,3,4,21, 146:1,10, 147:1,20, 148:1,14, 149:9, 150:1,6, Songs 8:6, Isaiah 12:2,26:4,38:11 ). The meaning of Yah is  "am" or "to be" or "existing" and meaning of Yahowah is " the existing one" or "the being one". 

God explained his name in greater detail when Moses asked what will he tell children of Israel when they ask what God's name is ( Exodus 3:13,14 ) and God says to Moses to tell them I am who I am, which in Hebrew reads as eh yah asher eh yah. That is God is saying I am the only one who really exists in the present, existed in the past eternally and will exist forever in the future. All creations of God  who claim to exist, exists only because God exists, for God created them and preserves them and judges them when they deny God. 

Yahowah in Hebrew is written as יְ הוָה. Historically most common pronounciation of these Hebrew words יְ הוָה which translates to English alphabets without the niqqud vowels as YHWH is Yehowah. But first 3 letters  "Yeh" of Yehowah itself is incorrect as we know clearly from other scriptures ( Exodus 15:2,17:16, Psalms 68:4,18,77:11, 89:8, 94:7,12, 102:18, 104:35, 105:45, 106:48, 111:1,112:1, 113:1,9, 115:17,18, 116:19, 117:2, 118:5,14,17,18,19, 122:4, 130:3,135:1,3,4,21, 146:1,10, 147:1,20, 148:1,14, 149:9, 150:1,6, Songs 8:6, Isaiah 12:2,26:4,38:11 ) that Yah is the initial 3 letters. 

Also from the name of Yehoshaphat ( יְ ה שָׁ פָ ט - Yahoshaphat in Hebrew ) the King of Judah we can understand that with the supplied niqqud vowels YH of YHWH reads as "Yaho". Some say Niqqud vowels came at a later stage. Even then Yahowah is the only name that clearly has similarity with the most common historical ponounciation of YHWH which is Yehowah, because the fourth letter of Yehowah is "O" and not "A", "E", "U", "I" or silent as some have suggested.

In New Testament scriptures the name of Lord Jesus Christ is revealed as Yahshua the Anointed One ( Anointed one is Mashiah in Hebrew and Christos in Greek, from Christos Christian originated in Antioch as recorded in Acts 11:26 ), which means Yah  is Salvation ( Shua means salvation in Hebrew). 

The name Christian occurs 3 times in New Testament scriptures ( Acts 11:26, 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16 ) and it can be retained as God's Assembly was called so first among the Greek speaking community of Antioch in modern Turkey. But Christ which is shortened form of Christos in Greek or Mashiah in Hebrew which means the anointed one, should be changed to Anointed One itself in English and appropriate words that means  anointed one in other languages as Lord Jesus Christ came to save not just Greeks but all people of this earth of all languages who shall trust in him.

Since God revealed his name to Israelites in their Hebrew language God wants all people of earth who follow other languages also address God in his revealed name in Hebrew. This is made clear in God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible  where God condemns sorrounding nations of Israel for not learning to swear in the name of Yahowah instead using the name of idol Baal for worship and makes it clear that he will destroy them for doing so ( Jeremiah 12:14-17 ).

So it is important that correct name of God in Hebrew is used in all prayer and worship and all Holy Bible versions and translations all over this earth. So this correct name of God in Hebrew is used in True version of Holy Bible - God's Eternal Word. 

History and current geopolitics

History is not just "his" (man's) story as some claim, but it extends much beyond that to past eternity when the Triune God ( God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ) existed forever in unity in perfect love. ( John 1:1-3, Psalms 90:2, Malachi 5:2, Hebrews 9:14, 1 Timothy 1:17 ).

After that God created the third heaven God's abode. ( Genesis 1:1, Nehemiah 9:6, Psalms 148:4,5, Isaiah 45:18 ). Then God the Father foreordained his Son- Lord Jesus Christ as the Slain Lamb and wrote the names of those who are to be saved in the Book of Life and prepared the Eternal kingdom. ( Revelation 13:8,17:8, 1 Peter 1:19,20, Ephesians 1:4-, Matthew 25:34, Hebrews 4:3 ). Then God created the 2nd Heaven - outer space (Genesis 1:1, Psalms 33:6, Nehemiah 9:6, Psalms 148:1-5, Isaiah 45:18 ). Then God created the angels ( Psalms 33:6, Nehemiah 9:6, Psalms 148:2-5 ). And then God created the earth and its atmosphere - 1st heaven ( Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 45:18, Job 38:4-7, Nehemiah 9:6 ). 

God created the angel -  Helel (satan) as anointed Cherub, who due to multitude of his trade, they filled midst of him with violence and he sinned. His heart became haughty because of his beauty and his brightness corrupted his wisdom and so God casted him down to earth from heaven. ( Ezekiel 28:12-16, Isaiah 14:12-17, Luke 10:18 ). Still he didn't repent and brought 1/3rd of all angels under his influence to earth and rebelled against God ( Revelation 12:3,4 ). Thus they corrupted the earth, heavens and its creatures and Death/Futility enters creation by the commandment of God – Romans 8 :20,21. Still they didn't repent and so God destroyed the universe with water ( Genesis 1:2, 2 Peter 2:4, 3:5-7, Jeremiah 4:23-27 ).

Then God re-created the heavens and earth in 6 days, created Man (Adam) , created garden at Eden in the east and put man there to serve and keep it and then God created Woman (Eve) as helper for Man. Then God blessed Adam and Eve and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth ( Genesis 1:3- 2:25 ).

But both Adam and Eve fell into sin by eating the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil that God forbade through satanic deception through serpent. God cursed Adam , Eve , Serpent and pronounced judgement  on Satan who decieved them. Their descendends sinned against God and filled the earth with corruption and God again destroyed the earth with water, this time the  heavens ( 1st heaven- earth's atmosphere and 2nd heaven - outer space ) where spared from judgement. But God saved Noah and his family from flood and again blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth ( Genesis 3:1- 8:22 ).

But again mankind sinned and fell into idolatry and other sinful rebellion against God. God then choose Abraham and through him Israel (Jacob ) and through Israel God send his only begotten son Lord Jesus Christ to this earth to die in the place of whole mankind's sins against God by shedding his sinless, precious blood on the cross at Calvary, Jerusalem some 2000 years ago for the remission of sins of all mankind so that all mankind who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ shall have eternal life ( Genesis 9:1 - Esther 10:3, All 4 Gospels and Acts 1:1-11), Isaiah 53rd chapter and all other messianic prophecies pertaining to the first coming of Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament ).

Then 3 days and 3 nights after that God resurrected his son Lord Jesus and after that he made himself visible to his disciples and commanded them to stay at Jerusalem so that they will recieve the anointing and comfort of the Holy Spirit of God and then ascended to heaven and Lord Jesus Christ is now seated in heaven in the right hand of God the Father and is interceding on behalf of all who are saved. The Holy Spirit of God descended upon the 120 disciples who were assembled in the upper room in Jerusalem as Lord Jesus Christ promised and thus the God's Assembly - God's Church began ( Acts 1:11 to Revelation 2:11 ).

Zecheriah13:8,9 is not about only Israel or Jewish people in Armageddon as many Bible scholars interpret but in reality it is about the whole mankind that God created on this earth. Notice the words "on the whole earth"- that is whole earth through time and space till eternity,1/3rd of mankind that God created will be left therein as they will have eternal life, the rest 2/3rd of mankind will perish and die in eternal hell fire. 

Also notice the fact that Zecheriah 13:7 is a prophecy about the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ that occured some 2000 years ago in Calvary, Jerusalem and at that time his disciples left Jesus exactly as God revealed to Zecheriah many centuries before that event. Thus this prophetic verse of Zecheriah 13:7 points to the fact that Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by shedding his sinless precious blood on the cross at the Calvary, Jerusalem some 2000 years ago for the remission of sins of all mankind so that all who will believe in Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life. Thus in the next verses Zecheriah 13:8,9 God is saying in the whole earth through time and space till eternity,1/3rd of mankind that God created will be left therein as they will have eternal life, the rest 2/3rd of mankind will perish and die in eternal hell fire.

Also notice the Bible verses in Revelation 12:4 in which God points out 1/3rd of all angels followed satan and his rebellion against God and fell from their God given destiny.

Then Satan and fallen angels corrupted mankind in the last days, through city of Rome as Satan during his initial period after his fall to earth brought 1/3rd of all angels into his corruptive influence on the earth. ( Revelation 12:3,4, Revelation 17:3). Thus idolatry ( catholic/orthodox idolatry of intercession/veneration of saints ) , lies ( purgatory and other lies ) and later sexual immorality ( promotion of homosexuality , female pastors and immodest dressing by women in Churches ), corrupted God's Assembly - God's  Church ( 1 Timothy 4:1-4, 2 Timothy 3:1-9,  Revelation 2:12-29, 3:14-22 - dual understanding ). But God restored his church ( God's Assembly ) from all these corruptions so that they will be taken to heaven when Lord Jesus Christ comes back and thus escape the God's judgement of the whole earth for the 7 year great tribulation period ( Joel 2:28,29, Revelation 3:1-22- dual understanding, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 1:10, 5:1-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, 1:7, Revelation 3:10, 7:9-17, 1 Corinthians 15: 35-38, Isaiah 26:19-21, Mathew 24:13 & 24:32- 25:13, Mark 13:28-37, Luke 17:26-36, Romans 5:8,9 ). 

God also restored Israel nation starting in 1948 AD and God gave back control of Jerusalem to Jews in 1967 AD ( Amos 9:14,15, Ezekiel 37:10-23, Ezekiel 4:3-6, Leviticus 26:3,7,8,18-28 ). Also God raised up the enemy of Gog Magog alliance (Sino-Russian Islamic terrorist alliance) in these last days who will fall defeated at the mountains of Israel for the glory of God and testimony for Israel and all the earth. ( Ezekiel 38,39 chapters ).

In Daniel 2:42 in original text we read -  And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so at end of the kingdom it shall be partly strong, and partly frail.

Also in Daniel 7:20,24-27,  Revelation 12:3, 13:1-18, 17:10-18 we read these 10 toes as 10 horns.

So at the end of Roman Empire ( 4th Empire in the dream of King Nebuchadnessar ),  10 kingdoms will emerge from Roman empire, which we see today as - Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Austria. They are partly strong like iron and partly frail like clay. 

Iron like destroying strength of roman empire denotes its despotic monarchial rule with its corrupted idolatrous catholic religion.

These 10 countries have been influenced by true Christianity - Protestantism and before that by Anabaptists, Waldensians, Cathars, Paulicians, Bogomils, Celtic Christians, Gothic Christians and various other true Christian groups. But this rock like strength of God's kingdom ( The final 5th kingdom that replaces all these 4 empires is God's kingdom which is rock that is cut out without hands - cut out without hands meaning that it is not by power of man but by the power and will of Almighty Living Eternal God ) has been weakened to clay ( clay comes from rock ) due to anti-Christian counter reformation activities of idolatrous heretic catholic sect which are lies of secularism, atheistic - evolution, feminism and communism and that was done through jesuit-freemason axis. Thus clay represents secular multi party democracies influenced by lies of secularism, atheistic evolution, feminism and communism.

Although in this earth, iron may be stronger than rock, but reality is that this is a supernatural ( Divine ) rock cut out without hands that destroyed the whole statue made of gold, silver, brass, iron and clay and then became a great mountain that filled the whole earth and continued forever and thus God' eternal kingdom will encompass the whole universe , that is the coming New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth forever ( Revelation 21:1- 22:21, Isaiah 66:22-24 ) as this universe - heavens and the earth will be destroyed by fire 2 Peter 3:7, Revelation 20:11.

After these ten horns the beast denoted as as another horn different from these 10 will arise and will subdue 3 of the 10 kingdoms - Daniel 7: 24

We read in Revelation 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

So these 10 kingdoms shall rule one hour with the beast. One hour could mean the 7 year great tribulation period that comes just before the setting up of God's eternal kindom as Revelation 3:10 also says.

The ten horns - These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. - Revelation 17:13,14.

We also read - And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. - Revelation 17:16-18. 

Thus these 10 kingdoms which emerged from Roman empire will hate the city of Rome and burn it with fire.

Covid pandemic was a warning to whole mankind to repent before he comes to judge this earth, just as the spanish flu some 100 years before by affecting to whole earth just like the global flood at Noah's times. Covid pandemic, spanish flu,  great earth quakes and famines that we see today are fullfillment of what Lord Jesus Christ said in Luke 21:11. 

Also the 2 world wars, other wars and the current Russia Ukraine war started in 2022 AD, Israel Hamas war  ( this current Israel Hamas started in October 2023 could escalate to a regional war to fulfill various prophecies of God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible like - Isaiah 17:1-14 , Jeremiah 49:34-39, Psalm 83:1-18, Zechariah 12:2-8, Ezekiel 28:20-26, Obadiah 1:19,20 ) that we see in these last days are a fulfillment of what Lord Jesus Christ said in Luke 21:10 and Matthew 24:7. So we should understand that the coming of Lord Jesus Christ in mid heavens to take his church ( God's Assembly ) to heaven and judge this whole earth with 7 year great tribulation and the global millenial rule of Lord Jesus Christ and eternity of New Jerusalem, New Heavens and New Earth are all near, right at the door as Lord Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 24:33 and so when these things begin to take place we should stand up and lift up our heads, because our redemption is drawing near as Lord Jesus Christ commanded us in Luke 21:28. 

In 2 Peter 3:8  we read - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. – Also in Psalms 90:4 – Prayer of Man of God – Moses.

So taking 705 BC as the year when God changed 10 ° backward on King Ahaz’s dial as sign for King Hezekiah’s healing, backwards until the point of 6 day Re- Creation by God are 360 day years – which from Bible chronology we get as 3994 BC. But taking this as 365.24219 day year as it is now we get 3947 BC as the creation year. So 6000 years of 6 days will be completed in 2054 AD. Thus we can arrive at 2046-2047 as the possible time period in  which the Lord Yahshuah The Anointed One comes back to take His bride - God's Assembly from this earth before the 7 year great tribulation period which shall come upon all inhabited earth.

Hosea 5:14-6:3 shows after 2 days  of 2000 years of 360 days ( 360 days year as other Old Testament prophecies of Daniel 70 weeks - Daniel 9:24-27 and Ezekiel 430 year Ezekiel 4:3-6 , which was multiplied 7 times according to Leviticus 26:18,21,23,24,27,28 ) from AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem God shall raise them up on , on the 3rd day.

Notice that Hosea 6:2 clearly says after 2 days ( 2000 years  of 360 days from AD 70 ) on the 3rd day God shall raise them up. 2000 years of 360 days from AD 70 is completed only on 2041-2042 AD. So this also confirms the Pre tribulation Rapture date of 2046 -2047 AD which comes after 2 days on the 3rd day.

In Luke 13:32 also Lord Yahshua The Anointed One says he will be casting out devils and healing the sick today and tomorrow and on 3rd day it will be finished. In this verse Yahshua The Anointed One is not speaking about literal 24 hour days but 1day equals 1000 years as in Psalms 90:4, 2Peter 3:8 and Hosea 6:2.

Majority of world nations including Israel got independence after WW2 during the period from 1945AD to 1989AD, this is what Lord Jesus Christ said in the parable in Luke 21:29,30 , where the fig tree is Israel and other trees the other nations of which most are in Asia and Africa that got independence during this same period.

In Mark 13:28-30 to Matthew 24:32-34 this same parable by Lord Jesus Christ is presented a little differently because it focus only on Israel the fig tree and the particular period when its branch is yet tender and puts forth leaves. This period occured in the 6 day war in 1967 AD, when Israel recaptured most of its long lost lands including all of Jerusalem.

Thus if we take the time period given in Luke 21: 29,30, which is from 1945 AD to 1989 AD, 1967 AD will fall almost to the middle of it. Thus Luke 21:29-32 Mark 13:28-30 and Matthew 24:32-34 is speaking the same thing although in Luke it is given in a broader view with respect to many other nations ( other trees ) that regained independence during this same period.

From Psalm 90:10 we see that time span of a generation is 70 to 80 years and so from 80 years from 1967AD we reach 2047AD, which is about the time Lord Jesus Christ will come to take his bride - God's Assembly from this earth ( pre tribulation rapture ),  after which the 7 year great tribulation period will occur on all inhabited earth and thus all these things will come to pass in the same generation from 1967AD to 2047 AD

- This current Israel Hamas war that was started in October 2023 by Hamas attack on Israel, could escalate to a regional war to fulfill various prophecies of God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible like - Isaiah 17:1-14 , Jeremiah 49:34-39, Psalm 83:1-18, Zechariah 12:2-8, Ezekiel 28:20-26, Obadiah 1:18-20.

- Zecheriah 12: 6 says - And Jerusalem will be inhabited in her own place , even in Jerusalem. This denotes the heavily contested orginal area of old Jerusalem which today is 80% inhabited by gentiles, although Israel has full control over Jerusalem from 1967 onwards, after the Psalm 83 war, Isaiah 17 etc.,majority area of this Old Jerusalem will be inhabited by Jewish population and probably God's House that was destroyed by Romans in AD70 will be rebuilt as other prophecies of God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible says. The God’s House will be rebuilt in Jerusalem and it shall be called “the house of prayer for people of all nations” exactly as Jesus predicted nearly 2000 years ago . Animal and other sacrifices will be offered there in the remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, just as it symbolized the coming sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ in the old testament period. This will remain till coming of Lord Jesus Christ in mid heavens to take his church from this earth ( rapture). 

- God's house could be built at any time before the rapture of God's Assembly. It could be either after Psalm 83 war or after first Gog Magog war when God's Holy Spirit is poured upon Israel nation and Israel as a nation looks upon God whom they pierced by crucifying Lord Jesus Christ on the cross some 2000 years ago in repentence, which will occur after the first Gog Magog War as we see in Zecheriah 12:9 - 13:2.

- In Deutronomy 18:15, Jeremiah 31:31-34 , Luke 5:37-39 , Hebrews 8:13 and many other scriptural verses indicate that old Mosaic covenant will be replaced by a new and better covenant which is the Melchizedek covenant ( Hebrews 6:20 - 9:28 ) in which Holy Spirit of God resides within the believer and teaches him to lead a life pleasing to God. So God also made some changes in the Mosaic Levitical sacrificial laws given to Israel in Numbers 28,29 chapters as we see in the Millenial God's House ( 4th God's House ) in Jerusalem in Ezekiel 46:4-7,11-15, 45:13 - 25, 43:18-27, when God's Kingdom is established forever on this earth and Jesus Christ rules all earth from Jerusalem for a 1000 years which shall continue forever after that in the  New Jerusalem , New Earth and New Heaven as this present earth and heavens will be destroyed by fire in the final God's judgement ( Revelation 20,21,22 chapters ). Whether these changes shall be made in the 3rd God's House which shall be present in the 7 year great tribulation period and some years before that is something that needs to be seen. Also we don't know whether these animal and grain sacrificial offerings in God's House shall continue forever in New Earth , New Jersualem , New Heavens. But Revelation 21:22 we are told there will be no God's House in New Jersualem, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the God's House of it. According to Revelation 10:4 there are still things not revealed.

- This current Israel hamas war that was started in October 2023 could escalate when Israel is provoked to attack Iran nuclear facilities by Iranian proxies as Israel has already attacked Syrian and Iraqi nuclear facilities in the past or by other provocations. Iranian proxies like Hezbollah ( Ezekiel 28:20-26, Psalm 83:7 ) Syrian Govt and Houthis are also currently at war with Israel. Then Iran will give a lethal blow to Israel using their Syrian proxy ( Isaiah 17:4 - 11 ) and at that point the surrounding nations will conspire against Israel to destroy them laying seige against Jerusalem and Judah ( Zecheriah 12:2-8, Psalm 83:1-18 ) and at that point onwards God will start to intervene miraculaously ( Zecheriah 12:4,5 ) and Israel will defeat and devour surrounding nations, fulfilling Isaiah 17:1-14 , Jeremiah 49:34-39, Psalm 83:1-18, Zechariah 12:2-8, Ezekiel 28:20-26, Obadiah 1:18-20.

Perhaps this conspiracy ( Psalm 83:1-18 ) by sorrounding nations of Israel had already begun before Hamas attack of October 7th 2023. It could also play out that due to certain provocation by Israel already conspired intent of surrounding nations of Israel ( Psalm 83:1-18 ) is put into action resulting in a devastating nuclear or other attack of Israel by the Iranian proxy Syrian government which will proceed to a seige of Jerusalem and Judah by sorrounding nations as we see in Zecheriah 12:2, and at that point onwards God will start to intervene miraculaously ( Zecheriah 12:4,5 ) and Israel will defeat and devour surrounding nations, fulfilling Isaiah 17:1-14 , Jeremiah 49:34-39, Psalm 83:1-18, Zechariah 12:2-8, Ezekiel 28:20-26, Obadiah 1:18-20.

- Before this devastating attack by syrian proxy of iran ( Isaiah 17 ) and the previously conspired gathering of surrounding nations against as Israel laying seige against Jerusalem and Judah (Psalm 83, Zechariah 12:1-4), there could be an attack  ( nuclear or other ) from the sino-russian ( Gog Magog ) alliance of iran, targeting large cities and other vital areas of USA inorder to neutralize USA so that they will be paralyzed atleast for some time and will not come to the aid Israel when this devastating attack by syrian proxy of iran ( Isaiah 17 ) and the previously conspired gathering of surrounding nations against Israel laying seige against Jerusalem and Judah (Psalm 83, Zechariah 12:1-4) occurs.

- This attack against USA could happen before the 2024 USA elections or before or after Jan 20, 2025 transfer of power in USA so as to make use of liberal leftist idiotic slackened national security policy particularly if the liberal leftist democrats win next election.  Since Russia has lowered its nuclear attack treshhold and Ukraine is now begging the Biden administration to allow it to use long-range missiles provided by the United States to strike targets deep inside of Russia, besides all the military support given by USA and other western nations to Ukraine this sino-russian attack against USA is all the more plausible.

- Traditionally Bible scholars interpreted Zecheriah 12:1-9 as the Armageddon war in which all nations come against Jerusalem mentioned in Zecheriah 14:1- 21 and Revelation 19:11-21, which occurs at the end of the 7 year great tribulation period when Lord Jesus Christ will come with 10000s of saints and set up God's eternal kingdom on this earth which will continue forever ,initially on this earth for a 1000 year period and it shall continue forever in the coming New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth. Zecheriah 12:1-9 is not the Armageddon war, because there is no mention of seige against Jerusalem in Zecheriah 14:1. In Zecheriah 14:2 - 4 we see that God will gather all nations against Jerusalem in battle and city will be taken, houses rifled, women ravished and half of the city shall go into captivity and the residue of the people shall not be cutt off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

So we can see very clearly Zecheriah 14:1 is the invasion of Jerusalem in which city shall be captured just before the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ to this earth. There is no mention of any seige here. On the contrary in Zecheriah 12:2 we see a seige against both Judah and Jerusalem by surrounding nations. Zechariah 12:2 reads that  Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about ( surrounding nations ), when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. 

In Zecheriah 12:3 we see that all the nations are  gathered on Jerusalem, but there is no mention of all nations going in battle to Jerusalem and capturing Jerusalem as we read in Zecheriah 14:2. Notice that in Zecheriah 12:3 all nations "are" gathered "on" Jerusalem , which means it is an indirect ( on ) and continuous ( are ) stance of all world nations particularly since the creation of Israel nation in 1948. This indirect and continuous stance of all nations against Jerusalem is that East Jerusalem be made capital of Palestine and thus dividing Jerusalem which in God's eyes is always the undivided capital of Israel. We can see that this was the policy regarding Jerusalem of even USA continuously.

Moreover in Zecheriah 12:3-8 we see that this seige is unsuccesful and Israeli armies will devour all the surrounding nations on the right and the left. In Zecheriah 12:9- 13:2 we see a glimpse of the first Gog Magog war that comes some years after this unsuccesful seige against Jersualem and Judah and after that first Gog Magog war ( Ezekiel 38,39 chapters ) God pouring out his Holy Spirit upon Israel nation ( Ezekiel 39:29 ) and Israel nation turning back to God Lord Jesus Christ in repentance.

- Isaiah 17:7,8 indicate that when Iran will give a lethal blow to Israel using their Syrian proxy, there will be a general  repentance of mankind by leaving their idolatry and turning to their maker God almighty and his eternal salvation through Lord Jesus Christ. But as we see in Revelation 9:20 there will be many who will secretly or openly continue their idolatry against God to incur God's eternal wrath. This general repentance of mankind and turning back to God will be followed by Israel as a nation looks upon God whom they pierced by crucifying Lord Jesus Christ on the cross some 2000 years ago in repentance, which will occur after the first Gog Magog War as we see in Zecheriah 12:9 - 13:2 and Ezekiel 38,39 chapters.

So we should all now itself repent and leave all our sins and humble before the almighty living God and pray with faith to God to cleanse us from all our sins by the precious sinless blood of Lord Jesus Christ that was shed at Calvary, Jerusalem some 2000 years ago for the remission of sins of all mankind so that all mankind who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ shall have eternal life and lead a just and holy life before God so that we will be taken to heaven when Lord Jesus Christ comes back and thus escape the God's judgement of the whole earth for the 7 year ( 7 year great tribulation period ) and the eternal hell fire and be with God for all eternity with eternal life ( John 3:16, All 4 Gospels, All of New Testament, All Messianic Prophecies of Old Testament, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 1:10, 5:1-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, 1:7, Revelation 3:10, 7:9-17, 19:1-22:21, 1 Corinthians 15: 35-38, Isaiah 26:19-21, Mathew 24:13 & 24:32- 25:13, Mark 13:28-37, Luke 17:26-36, Romans 5:8,9).


Thursday 24 April 2014

Fulfilled Bible prophecies

1000's of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled till date according to secular historic data, Jesus himself fulfilled more than 300 messianic prophecies, thus proving he is the Christ /Messiah,1000's of miracle healings happen throughout the world , few of which gets reported in christian media,is all open for verification and certified credible by many.

Here are some of those 1000s of Bible prophecies that were fulfilled :-

1.History-In AD70 invading armies of Rome,under emperor Titus destroyed Jerusalem and it’s God's House. Resulted in scattering of Jews around the world

Bible prophecy-Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24.2-”look at all these things (God's House and surrounding buildings) surely i say to you, not a single stone will be left in it’s place, every one of them will be thrown down”.

Daniel 9.25,26-”note this & understand this: from the time command is given to rebuild Jerusalem(around 450 BC), until God’s chosen leader comes 7 times 7 years will pass. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defences and will stand for 7 times 62 years,amidst a time of troubles. At the end of this time Messiah/Christ will be killed unjustly (crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ by shedding his sinless precious blood for the remission of sins of all mankind - all mankind are sinful through Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in Garden at Eden, so that all who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life). The city and the God's House will be destroyed by the invading army of the people (romans) of the prince to come (antichrist/beast). The end will come like a flood,bringing war and destruction which God has prepared”.

2.History-creation of state of Israel-1948, continuing restoration of Israel prior to it and after that.

Bible prophecies - Amos 9.14-15, ”i will bring my people back to their land, they will rebuilt their ruined cities and live there, they will plant vineyards and drink their wine, and gardens and eat their fruits, i will plant my people on the land i gave them and the will not be pulled up again.”

Ezekiel 37:10-14 (valley of dry bones coming to life, symbolizing holocaust and subsequent restoration of Israel)

Isaiah 66:7-8 (likens birth of Israel,to a women giving birth before labor pain starts-Israel had to endure much attacks from it’s arab neighbours after it became an independent state in 1948)

Ezekiel 37:21-22 (Israel would be re-established as a united nation)

Ezekiel 4:3-6,Leviticus 26.18,26.21,26.24,26.28 (predicts time of restablishment of Israel-1948, may14.)

Leviticus26:3,7-8 (Israeli army would be disproptionately powerful)

3.History:Cyrus b/m king of Persia in 559 BC, 9 years after, he conqeured media. Few years after that,he allowed Jews to return to Israel and gave order to rebuilt Jerusalem and its God's House.

Bible prophecy: Isaiah 44:28,45:1-13 (speaks plainly that Cyrus is appointed to rebuilt Jerusalem and the God's House and set the captives free-written nearly 150 years before cyrus was born, prophet Isaiah foretold his birth, his name, the task his creator predetermined him to do. Ezra:chapter 3-6, confirms historic acts of Cyrus and Darius in restoration of Jerusalem.

4.History- Alexander the great of Macedonia/Greece:336-323 BC, He conquered vast lands from Macedonia to India in the east. Died at a young age of 33. After his death his empire was divided b/n 4 of his generals- Bulgaria, Turkey (Lyssimachus),  Macedonia, Greece(Cassander), Egypt (Ptolomy), Chaldea, Persia and western India (Seleucus).

Bible prophecy: Daniel 11:3-4- (heroic king will appear, conquering vast lands and rule over huge empire, die at height of his power,empire broken to 4 parts)

05.History-Babylonian captivity of Jews for 70 years from 607BC to 537BC.

Bible prophecy-Jeremiah 25.11 (predicts babylonian captivity for 70 years), Deutronomy 29:24-29 (Moses predicts babylonian captivity of Jews)

06.History-Babylon conquered and destroyed in 537 BC, and never inahabited again.

Bible prophecy: Isaiah13:1-22, Jeremiah 52:1-44 (both predict destruction of babylon,never to be inhabited again)

07.History- Phoenician city of Tyre, destroyed by Alexander the great in 332 BC. The city has never been rebuilt, all that is found in the area today is fisherman spreading their nets.

Bible prophecy: Ezekiel 26.1-21 (predicts Tyre will be destroyed/laid waste, it will only be a place for spreading nets & the city itself never rebuilt)

08.History- City of Nineveh was destroyed in 612 BC, Ninevites got scattered and ceased to exist as a people and the city was never rebuilt. Archeological evidence show the city was destroyed by fire.

Bible prophecy- Whole book of Nahum (specifically 2.10,3.15-19)- says the city of Nineveh will destroyed by fire, and will  be made desolate waste, the people will be scattered and will never return & the city shall never be rebuilt.

09.History- Egypt conquered by Babylonians in 6th century BC, since that time Egypt has remained a nation, but it has never again been a world power as it was before the conquest by Babylonians nor ruled over any other nations.

Bible prophecy:Ezekiel 29:8-16 (predicts Egypt will be conquered, however continue as a nation and it will not rule over nations anymore).

10.History-3 cities by the sea of Galilee (Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum) destroyed by erthquake around 400AD. However, Tiberias another major city in the area remain to this day.

Bible prophecy: Luke 10:13-15 (Jesus pronounces “woe” unto these 3 cities, but says nothing of Tiberias).

These are the mesianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus,thus proving he is the Christ/Messiah-Total 324 prophetic fullfilments:-

In Genesis 3:15 we read - And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

Satan through Roman soldiers bruised the heel of Lord Jesus Christ by the nail that pierced the feet -heel of Jesus on the cross. But Lord Jesus Christ -(  born of Virgin - so sinless ) bruised head of Satan and destroyed his power on cross as we see in these scriptures below. The complete and eternal outworking of this victory of Lord Jesus Christ on the cross over Satan will be fulfilled in the second coming of Jesus Christ as we see in Revelation 19:11 - 20: 10 when Satan will be thrown to lake of fire and sulfur and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever -  Revelation 20:10   And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Psalms 22:16-18   For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

Mark 15:24 -  And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.

John 20:25-27  - The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

Hebrews 2:14   Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

Colossians 2:9-15 - For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

Galatians 4:4-5 - But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Isaiah 7:14  -  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Matthew 1:20-23  - But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Gen. 3:15…..He will bruise Satan’s head…..Heb. 2:14, 1 Jn. 3:18

Gen. 5:24….The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated….Mk. 6:19

Gen. 9:26,27…The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem…Lu. 3:36

Gen. 12:3…As Abraham’s seed, will bless all nations…Acts. 3:25,26

Gen. 12:7…The Promise made to Abraham’s Seed…Gal. 3:16

Gen. 14:18…A priest after Melchizedek…Heb. 6:20

Gen. 14:18……..A King also……..Heb. 7:2

Gen. 14:18…The Last Supper foreshadowed…Mt. 26:26-29

Gen. 17:19…….The Seed of Isaac…….Rom. 9:7

Gen. 22:8…The Lamb of God promised…Jn. 1:29

Gen. 22:18…As Isaac’s seed, will bless all nations…Gal. 3:16

Gen.26:2-5..The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer..Heb.11:18

Gen. 49:10…The time of His coming…Lu. 2:1-7; Gal. 4:4

Gen. 49:10…….The Seed of Judah…….Lu. 3:33

Gen. 49:10……Called Shiloh or One Sent……Jn. 17:3

Gen. 49:10…To come before Judah lost identity…Jn. 11:47-52

Gen. 49:10…To Him shall the obedience of the people be…Jn. 10:16

Ex. 3:13,14……..The Great “I Am”…….Jn. 4:26

Ex. 12:5…A Lamb without blemish…1 Pet. 1:19

Ex. 12:13…The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath…Rom. 5:8

Ex. 12:21-27…Christ is our Passover…1 Cor. 5;7

Ex. 12:46…Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken…Jn. 19:31-36

Ex. 15:2…His exaltation predicted as Yeshua…Acts 7:55,56

Ex. 15:11…His Character-Holiness…Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27

Ex. 17:6…The Spiritual Rock of Israel…1 Cor. 10;4

Ex. 33:19…His Character-Merciful…Lu. 1:72

Lev.14:11..The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood..Lu.5:12-14; Acts 6:7

Lev.16:15-17…Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all death…Heb. 9:7-14

Lev.16:27…Suffering outside the Camp…Mt. 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12

Lev.17:11…The Blood-the life of the flesh…Mt. 26;28; Mk. 10:45

Lev.17:11…It is the blood that makes atonement…1 Jn. 3:14-18

Lev.23:36-37…The Drink-offering: “If any man thirst.” ..Jn. 19:31-36

Num. 9:12…Not a bone of Him broken…John 19:31-36

Num. 21:9…The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up…Jn. 3:14-18

Num. 24:17…Time: “I shall see him, but not now.”…Gal. 4:4

Deut. 18:15…”This is of a truth that prophet.”…Jn. 6:14

Deut. 18:15-16…”Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me.”…Jn. 5:45-47

Deut. 18:18…Sent by the Father to speak His word…Jn. 8:28, 29

Deut. 18:19…Whoever will not hear must bear his sin…Jn. 12:15,

Deut. 21:23…Cursed is he that hangs on a tree…Gal. 3:10-13

Ruth 4:4-9…Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us…Eph. 1:3-7

1 Sam. 2:10…Shall be an anointed King to the Lord…Mt. 28:18; Jn. 12:15

2 Sam. 7:12…David’s Seed…Mt. 1:1

2 Sam. 7:14a…The Son of God… Lu. 1:32

2 Sam. 7:16…David’s house established forever…Lu. 3:31; Rev. 22:16

2 Ki. 2:11…The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated…Lu. 24:51

1 Chr. 17:11…David’s Seed…Mt. 1:1; 9:27

1 Chr. 17:12, 13a…To reign on David’s throne forever…Lu. 1:32, 33

1 Chr. 17:13a…”I will be His Father, He…my Son.”…Heb. 1:5

Job 19:23-27…The Resurrection predicted…Jn. 5:24-29

Psa. 2:1-3…The enmity of kings foreordained…Acts 4:25-28

Psa. 2:2…To own the title, Anointed (Christ)…Acts 2:36

Ps. 2:6…His Character-Holiness…Jn. 8:46; Rev. 3:7

Ps. 2:6…To own the title King…Mt. 2:2

Ps. 2:7…Declared the Beloved Son…Mt. 3;17

Psa. 2:7, 8…The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated…Acts 13:29-33

Psa. 2:12…Life comes through faith in Him…Jn. 20:31

Psa. 8:2…The mouths of babes perfect His praise…Mt. 21:16

Psa. 8:5, 6…His humiliation and exaltation…Lu. 24:50-53; 1 Cor. 15:27

Psa. 16:10…Was not to see corruption…Acts 2:31

Psa. 16:9-11…Was to arise from the dead…Jn. 20:9

Psa. 17;15…The resurrection predicted…Lu. 24:6

Psa. 22:1…Forsaken because of sins of others…2 Cor. 5:21

Psa. 22:1…Words spoken from Calvary, “My God…” Mk. 15:34

Psa. 22:2…Darkness upon Calvary…Mt. 27:45

Psa. 22:7…They shoot out the lip and shake the head…Mt. 27:39

Psa. 22:8..&quotHe trusted in God, let Him deliver Him”…Mt. 27:43

Psa. 22:9……Born the Saviour……Lu. 2:7

Psa. 22:14…Died of a broken (ruptured)heart…Jn. 19:34

Psa. 22:14,15…Suffered agony on Calvary…Mk. 15:34-37

Psa. 22:15……..He thirsted……..Jn. 19:28

Psa. 22:16…They pierced His hands and His feet….Jn. 19:34,37;20:27

Psa. 22:17,18…Stripped Him before the stares of men…Lu. 23:34,35

Psa. 22:18…..They parted His garments…..Jn. 19:23,24

Psa. 22:20,21…He committed Himself to God…Lu.23:46

Psa. 22:20,21..Satanic power bruising the Redeemer’s heel..Heb. 2:14

Psa. 22:22…..His Resurrection declared…..Jn. 20:17

Psa. 22:27…He shall be the governor of the nations…Col 1:16

Psa. 22:31……&quotIt is finished”……Jn. 19:30

Psa. 23:1….&quotI am the Good Shephard”….Jn. 10:11

Psa. 24:3……His exaltation predicted……Acts 1:11; Phil. 2:9

Psa. 30:3……His resurrection predicted……Acts 2:32

Psa. 31:5…&quotInto thy hands I commit my spirit”…Lu. 23:46

Psa. 31:11…His acquaintances fled from Him…Mk. 14:50

Psa. 31:13…They took counsel to put Him to death…Jn. 11:53

Psa. 31:14,15…” He trusted in God, let Him deliver him”…Mt. 27:43

Psa. 34:20…..Not a bone of Him broken…..Jn 19:31-36

Psa. 35:11….False witnesses rose up against Him….Mt. 26:59

Psa. 35:19…He was hated without a cause…Jn. 15:25

Psa. 38:11…..His friends stood afar off…..Lu. 23:49

Psa. 40:2-5…The joy of His resurrection predicted…Jn. 20:20

Psa. 40:6-8….His delight-the will of the Father….Jn. 4:34

Psa. 40:9….He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel….Mt. 4:17

Psa. 40:14…Confronted by adversaries in the Garden…Jn. 18:4-6

Psa. 41:9…..Betrayed by a familiar friend…..Jn. 13:18

Psa. 45:2…Words of Grace come from His lips…Lu. 4:22

Psa. 45:6…To own the title, God or Elohim…Heb. 1:8

Psa. 45:7…A special anointing by the Holy Spirit…Mt.3:16; Heb.1:9

Psa. 45:7,8…Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)…Lu. 2:11

Psa. 55:12-14…Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy…Jn. 13:18

Psa. 55:15…Unrepentant death of the Betrayer…Mt. 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19

Psa. 68:18…To give gifts to men…Eph. 4:7-16

Psa. 68:18…Ascended into Heaven…Lu. 24:51

Psa. 69:4…Hated without a cause…Jn. 15:25

Psa. 69:8…A stranger to own brethren…Lu. 8;20,21

Psa. 69:9…Zealous for the Lord’s House…Jn. 2:17

Psa. 69:14-20…Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixion…Mt. 26:36-45

Psa. 69:20…&quotMy soul is exceeding sorrowful.”…Mt. 26:38

Psa. 69:21…Given vinegar in thirst…Mt. 27:34

Psa. 69:26…The Saviour given and smitten by God…Jn. 17:4; 18:11

Psa. 72:10,11…Great persons were to visit Him…Mt. 2:1-11

Psa. 72:16…The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground…Jn. 12:24

Psa. 72:17…His name, Yinon, will produce offspring…Jn. 1:12,13

Psa. 72:17…All nations shall be blessed by Him…Acts 2:11,12,41

Psa. 78:1.2…He would teach in parables…Mt. 13:34-35

Psa. 78:2b…To speak the Wisdom of God with authority…Mt. 7:29

Psa. 88:8…They stood afar off and watched…Lu. 23:49

Psa. 89:27…Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings…Lu. 1:32,33

Psa. 89:35-37…David’s Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever…Lu. 1:32,33

Psa. 89:36-37…His character-Faithfulness…Rev. 1:5

Psa. 90:2…He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)…Jn. 1:1

Psa. 91:11,12…Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ…Lu. 4;10,11

Psa. 97:9…His exaltation predicted…Acts 1:11;Eph. 1:20

Psa. 100:5…His character-Goodness…Mt. 19:16,17

Psa. 102:1-11…The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary…Jn. 21:16-30

Psa. 102:25-27…Messiah is the Preexistent Son…Heb. 1:10-12

Psa. 109:25…Ridiculed…Mt. 27:39

Psa. 110:1…Son of David…Mt. 22:43

Psa. 110:1…To ascend to the right-hand of the Father…Mk.16:19

Psa. 110:1…David’s son called Lord…Mt. 22:44,45

Psa. 110:4…A priest after Melchizedek’s order…Heb. 6:20

Psa. 112:4…His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al… Mt. 9;36

Psa. 118:17,18…Messiah’s Resurrection assured…Lu. 24:5-7;1 Cor. 15:20

Psa. 118:22,23…The rejected stone is Head of the corner…Mt. 21:42,43

Psa. 118:26a…The Blessed One presented to Israel…Mt. 21:9

Psa. 118:26b…To come while Temple standing…Mt. 21;12-15

Psa. 132:11…The Seed of David(the fruit of His Body)…Lu. 1:32

Psa. 138:1-6…The supremacy of David’s Seed amazes kings… Mt. 2:2-6

Psa. 147:3,6…The earthly ministry of Christ described…Lu. 4:18

Psa. 1:23…He will send the Spirit of God… Jn. 16;7

Song. 5;16…The altogether lovely One…Jn. 1:17

Isa. 6:1…When Isaiah saw His glory… Jn. 12:40-41

Isa. 6:9-10…Parables fall on deaf ears…Mt. 13:13-15

Isa. 6:9-12…Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words…Acts. 28:23-29

Isa. 7:14…To be born of a virgin…Lu. 1:35

Isa. 7:14…To be Emmanuel-God with us… Mt. 1:18-23

Isa. 8:8…Called Emmanuel…Mt. 28:20

Isa. 8:14…A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense… 1 Pet. 2:8

Isa. 9:1,2…His ministry to begin in Galilee…Mt. 4:12-17

Isa. 9:6…A child born-Humanity…Lu. 1:31

Isa. 9:6…A Son given-Deity…Lu. 1:32; Jn. 1;14; 1 Tim. 3:16

Isa. 9:6…Declared to be the Son of God with power… Rom. 1:3,4

Isa. 9:6…The Wonderful One, Peleh…Lu. 4:22

Isa. 9:6…The Counsellor, Yaatz…Mt. 13:54

Isa. 9:6…The Mighty God, El Gibor…Mt. 11:20

Isa. 9:6…The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth…Jn. 8:58

Isa. 9:6…The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom…Jn . 16:33

Isa. 9:7…To establish an everlasting kingdom…Lu. 1:32-33

Isa. 9:7…His Character-Just…Jn. 5:30

Isa. 9:7…No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace…Lu. 1:32-33

Isa. 11:1…Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer…Mt. 2:23

Isa. 11:1…A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse…Lu. 3:23,32

Isa. 11:2…The anointed One by the Spirit…Mt. 3;16,17

Isa. 11:2…His Character-Wisdom, Understanding, et al….Jn. 4:4-26

Isa. 11:4…His Character-Truth…Jn. 14:6

Isa. 11:10…The Gentiles seek Him…Jn. 12:18-21

Isa. 12:2…Called Jesus-Yeshua…Mt. 1:21

Isa. 25:8…The Resurrection predicted…I Cor. 15:54

Isa. 26:19…His power of Resurrection predicted…Jn. 11:43,44

Isa. 28:16…The Messiah is the precious corner stone…Acts 4:11,12

Isa. 29:13…He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word…Mt. 15:7-9

Isa. 29:14…The wise are confounded by the Word…I Cor. 1:18-31

Isa. 32:2…A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place…Mt. 23:37

Isa. 35:4…He will come and save you…Mt. 1:21

Isa. 35:5…To have a ministry of miracles…Mt. 11:4-6

Isa. 40:3,4…Preceded by forerunner…Jn. 1:23

Isa. 40:9…”Behold your God.”…Jn. 1:36;19:14

Isa. 40:11…A shepherd-compassionatelife-giver…Jn. 10:10-18

Isa. 42:1-4…The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer… Mt.12:18-21

Isa. 42:2…Meek and lowly… Mt. 11:28-30

Isa. 42:3…He brings hope for the hopeless… Jn. 4

Isa. 42:4…The nations shall wait on His teachings… Jn. 12:20-26

Isa. 42:6…The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles…Lu. 2:32

Isa. 42:1,6…His is a Worldwide compassion… Mt. 28:19,20

Isa. 42:7…Blind eyes opened… Jn. 9:25-38

Isa. 43:11…He is the only Saviour… Acts. 4:12

Isa. 44:3…He will send the Spirit of God… Jn. 16:7,13

Isa. 45:23…He will be the Judge… Jn. 5:22;Rom. 14:11

Isa. 48:12…The First and the Last…Jn. 1:30;Rev. 1:8,17

Isa. 48:17…He came as a Teacher…Jn. 3:2

Isa. 49:1…Called from the womb-His humanity…Mt. 1:18

Isa. 49:5…A Servant from the womb…Lu. 1:31;Phil. 2:7

Isa. 49:6…He is Salvation for Israel…Lu. 2:29-32

Isa. 49:6…He is the Light of the Gentiles…Acts 13:47

Isa. 49:6…He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth… Acts 15:7-18

Isa. 49:7…He is despised of the Nation… Jn. 8:48-49

Isa. 50:3…Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation… Lu. 23:44,45

Isa. 50:4…He is a learned counsellor for the weary… Mt. 11:28,29

Isa. 50:5…The Servant bound willingly to obedience… Mt. 26:39

Isa. 50:6a…”I gave my back to the smiters.”… Mt. 27:26

Isa. 50:6b…He was smitten on the cheeks… Mt. 26:67

Isa. 50:6c…He was spat upon… Mt. 27:30

Isa. 52:7…To publish good tidings of peace… Lu. 4:14,15

Isa. 52:13…The Servant exalted…Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22

Isa. 52:13…Behold, My Servant… Mt. 17:5; Phil. 2:5-8

Isa. 52:14…The Servant shockingly abused… Lu. 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67,68

Isa. 52:15…Nations startled by message of the Servant… Rom. 15:18-21

Isa. 52:15…His blood shed to make atonement for all… Rev. 1:5

Isa. 53:1…His people would not believe Him… Jn. 12:37-38

Isa. 53:2a…He would grow up in a poor family…. Lu. 2:7

Isa. 53:2b…Appearance of an ordinary man… Phil. 2:7-8

Isa. 53:3a…Despised…. Lu. 4:28-29

Isa. 53:3b…Rejected… Mt. 27:21-23

Isa. 53:3c…Great sorrow and grief… Lu. 19:41-42

Isa. 53:3d…Men hide from being associated with Him… Mk. 14:50-52

Isa. 53:4a…He would have a healing ministry… Lu. 6:17-19

Isa. 53:4b…He would bear the sins of the world… 1 Pet. 2:24

Isa. 53:4c…Thought to be cursed by God… Mt. 27:41-43

Isa. 53:5a…Bears penalty for mankind’s transgressions… Lu. 23:33

Isa. 53:5b…His sacrifice would provide peace between man and God… Col. 1:20

Isa. 53:5c…His back would be whipped… Mt. 27:26

Isa. 53:6a…He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind…Gal. 1:4

Isa. 53:6b…God’s will that He bear sin for all mankind… 1 Jn. 4:10

Isa. 53:7a…Oppressed and afflicted… Mt. 27:27-31

Isa. 53:7b…Silent before his accusers… Mt. 27:12-14

Isa. 53:7c…Sacrificial lamb… Jn. 1:29

Isa. 53:8a…Confined and persecuted… Mt. 26:47-27:31

Isa. 53:8b…He would be judged… Jn. 18:13-22

Isa. 53:8c…Killed…. Mt. 27:35

Isa. 53:8d…Dies for the sins of the world… 1 Jn. 2:2

Isa. 53:9a…Buried in a rich man’s grave… Mt. 27:57

Isa. 53:9b…Innocent and had done no violence… Mk. 15:3

Isa. 53:9c…No deceit in his mouth… Jn. 18:38

Isa. 53:10a…God’s will that He die for mankind… Jn. 18:11

Isa. 53:10b…An offering for sin… Mt. 20:28

Isa. 53:10c…Resurrected and live forever…. Mk. 16:16

Isa. 53:10d…He would prosper… Jn. 17:1-5

Isa. 53:11a…God fully satisfied with His suffering… Jn. 12:27

Isa. 53:11b…God’s servant… Rom. 5:18-19

Isa. 53:11c…He would justify man before God… Rom. 5:8-9

Isa. 53:11d…The sin-bearer for all mankind… Heb. 9:28

Isa. 53:12a…Exalted by God because of his sacrifice… Mt. 28:18

Isa. 53:12b…He would give up his life to save mankind… Lu. 23:46

Isa. 53:12c…Grouped with criminals… Lu. 23:32

Isa. 53:12d…Sin-bearer for all mankind… 2 Cor. 5:21

Isa. 53:12e…Intercede to God in behalf of mankind… Lu. 23:34

Isa. 55:3…Resurrected by God… Acts 13:34

Isa. 55:4…A witness… Jn. 18:37

Isa. 59:15-16a…He would come to provide salvation… Jn. 6:40

Isa. 59:15-16b…Intercessor between man and God… Mt. 10:32

Isa. 59:20…He would come to Zion as their Redeemer… Lu. 2:38

Isa. 61:1-2a…The Spirit of God upon him… Mt. 3:16-17

Isa. 61:1-2b…The Messiah would preach the good news… Lu. 4:17-21

Isa. 61:1-2c…Provide freedom from the bondage of sin and death… Jn. 8:31-32

Isa. 61:1-2…Proclaim a period of grace… Jn. 5:24

Jer.23:5-6a…Descendant of David…Lu. 3:23-31

Jer. 23:5-6b…The Messiah would be God… Jn. 13:13

Jer. 23:5-6c…The Messiah would be both God and Man… 1 Tim. 3:16

Jer. 31:22…Born of a virgin… Mt. 1:18-20

Jer. 31:31…The Messiah would be the new covenant… Mt. 26:28

Jer. 33:14-15…Descendant of David… Lu. 3:23-31

Eze.17:22-24…Descendant of David… Lk. 3:23-31

Eze.34:23-24…Descendant of David… Mt. 1:1

Dan. 7:13-14a…He would ascend into heaven… Acts 1:9-11

Dan. 7:13-14b…Highly exalted… Eph. 1:20-22

Dan. 7:13-14c…His dominion would be everlasting… Lu. 1:31-33

Dan. 9:24a…To make an end to sins… Gal. 1:3-5

Dan. 9:24b…He would be holy… Lu. 1:35

Dan. 9:25…Announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day, after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem… Jn. 12:12-13

Dan. 9:26a…Killed… Mt. 27:35

Dan. 9:26b…Die for the sins of the world… Heb. 2:9

Dan. 9:26c…Killed before the destruction of the temple… Mt. 27:50-51

Dan. 10:5-6…Messiah in a glorified state… Rev. 1:13-16

Hos. 13:14…He would defeat death… 1 Cor. 15:55-57

Joel 2:32…Offer salvation to all mankind… Rom. 10:12-13

Mic. 5:2a…Born in Bethlehem… Mt. 2:1-2

Mic. 5:2b…God’s servant… Jn. 15:10

Mic. 5:2c…From everlasting… Jn. 8:58

Hag. 2:6-9…He would visit the second Temple… Lu. 2:27-32

Hag. 2:23…Descendant of Zerubbabel… Lu. 3:23-27

Zech. 3:8…God’s servant… Jn. 17:4

Zech. 6:12-13…Priest and King… Heb. 8:1

Zech. 9:9a…Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem… Mt. 21:8-10

Zech. 9:9b…Beheld as King… Jn. 12:12-13

Zech. 9:9c…The Messiah would be just… Jn. 5:30

Zech. 9:9d…The Messiah would bring salvation… Luke 19:10

Zech. 9:9e…The Messiah would be humble… Mt. 11:29

Zech. 9:9f…Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey… Mt. 21:6-9

Zech. 10:4…The cornerstone… Eph. 2:20

Zech. 11:4-6a…At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders… Mt. 23:1-4

Zech. 11:4-6b…Rejection causes God to remove His protection.. Lu. 19:41-44

Zech. 11:4-6c…Rejected in favor of another king… Jn. 19:13-15

Zech. 11:7…Ministry to “poor,” the believing remnant… Mt. 9:35-36

Zech. 11:8a…Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them… Mt. 23:33

Zech. 11:8b…Despised… Mt. 27:20

Zech. 11:9…Stops ministering to the those who rejected Him… Mt. 13:10-11

Zech. 11:10-11a…Rejection causes God to remove protection… Lu. 19:41-44

Zech. 11:10-11b…The Messiah would be God… Jn. 14:7

Zech. 11:12-13a…Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver… Mt. 26:14-15

Zech. 11:12-13b…Rejected… Mt. 26:14-15

Zech. 11:12-13c…Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of the Lord… Mt. 27:3-5

Zech. 11:12-13d…The Messiah would be God… Jn. 12:45

Zech. 12:10a…The Messiah’s body would be pierced… Jn. 19:34-37

Zech. 12:10b…The Messiah would be both God and man… Jn. 10:30

Zech. 12:10c…The Messiah would be rejected… Jn. 1:11

Zech. 13:7a…God’s will He die for mankind… Jn. 18:11

Zech. 13:7b…A violent death… Mt. 27:35

Zech. 13:7c…Both God and man.. Jn. 14:9

Zech. 13:7d…Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him… Mt. 26:31-56

Mal. 3:1a…Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah… Mt. 11:10

Mal. 3:1b…Sudden appearance at the temple… Mk. 11:15-16

Mal. 3:1c…Messenger of the new covenant… Lu. 4:43

Mal. 4:5…Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah… Mt. 3:1-2

Mal. 4:6…Forerunner would turn many to righteousness… Lu. 1:16-17

Here are some Non-messianic biblical prophecies fulfilled-total of 85 prophetic fulfillments

Isaac’s birth, [P: Gen 15.4; 17.19, 21; 18:10,14 and F: Gen 21.1-3] 

Jacob and Esau’s births[P: Gen 25.19-23 and F: Gen 25.24-26] 

Samson’s birth [P: Judg 13.2-5 and F: Judg 13.24]

Samuel’s birth [P: 1 Sam 1.17-18 and F: I Sam 1.20]

Birth of the Shunammite woman’s son [P: 2 Kings 4.16 and F: 2 Kings 4.17]

John the Baptist’s birth [P: Lk 1.13-17 and F: Lk 1.57-64]

Jesus’ birth [P: Lk 1.26-33 and F: Lk 2.4-7]

The coastal city of Tyre to be captured by Nebuchadnezzar [P: Ezek 26.7; F: history ]

The island city of Tyre to be scrapped and made flat, like the top of a rock [P: Ezek 26.4, 14; 28.1-10 and F: history-Alexander the Great ]

Both cities of Tyre to become a place for the spreading of nets [P: Exek 26.14 and F: history]

Both cities of Tyre to have their stones and timbers thrown into the sea [P: Zech 9.3-4 and F: history-Alexander the Great ]

Neither of the cities of Tyre to be rebuilt [P: Exek 26.14 and F: history ]

Jericho to fall on the seventh day at the hands of Joshua [P: Josh 6.1-5 and F: Josh 6.20]

Rebuilder of Jericho to lose two of his sons when Jericho was rebuilt [P: Josh 6.26 and F: I Kings 16.34]

Ninevah to be destroyed[P: Nah 1.3,6 and F: history ]

Ninevah’s destruction to be partially due to a mighty overflowing of the Tigris River [P: Nah 1.8 and F: history ]

Ninevah’s overthrow by attackers wearing red colors [P: Nah 2.3 and F: history ]

For Jerusalem to be spared from invasion by the alliance of the Northern Kingdom and Syria [P: Is 7.1-10 and F: Is 7.1 et. al. ]

For Jerusalem to the spared from invasion by the Assyrians [P: Is 37.33-35 and F: Is 37.36-37]

For Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Babylonians [P: Is 3.8; Jer 11.9; 26.18; Mic 3.12 and F: Lam 2.7; 2 Chron 36.19]

For the temple of Solomon to suffer destruction [P: I Kings 9.7-9; Ps 79.1; Jer 7.11-14; 26:18; Ezek 7.21-22; 24.21; Mic 3.12 and F: 2 Chron 36]

The temple vessels to be carried to Babylon and later returned to Jerusalem [P: Jer 28.3 and F: 2 Kings 25.14-15; 2 Chron 36.18; Ezra 1.7-11]

Jerusalem to be rebuilt by the Jews after 70 years in Babylonian captivity [P: Is 44.28; Jer 25.11-12; 29.10 and F: Ezra 1.1-4]

For the rebuilding of Jerusalem to be during times of ‘trouble’ [P: Dan 9.25 and F: Ezra 4-5; Neh 2.6]

The walls to be rebuild 483 years prior to the crucifixion of the Messiah [P: Dan 9.26 and F: history ]

Joshua and Caleb to enter Canaan after a period of 40 years [P: Num 14.24, 30 and F: Josh 3.7, 17; 14.6-12]

Sisera to be defeated by a woman [P: Judge 4.9 and F: Judg 4.21]

Hophni and Phinehas to die on the same day [P: 1 Sam 2.34 and F: I Sam 4.11]

The Priesthood to be taken from the line of Eli [P: I Sam 2.27-36 and F: I Sam 3.11-14]

Saul to become Israel’s first king and save them from the Philistines [P: I Sam 9.15-16 and F: I Sam 11, 14]

Saul’s kingdom to be terminated [P: I Sam 13.14; 15.28; 24.20 and F: 2 Sam 3.1; 5.1-3]

Saul to die in battle on a specific day [P: I Sam 28.19 and F: I Sam 31.1-6]

The sword to plague David’s house [P: 2 Sam 12.10-12 and F: 2 Sam 13.28-29; 16.21-22] 

Jeroboam’s dynasty to be destroyed [P: Kings 14:10-11and F: 1 Kings 15:27-28]

Ahab to be victorious over the Syrians [P: I Kings 20:28 and F: 1 Kings 20:29-30]

Ahab to die in battle for killing Naboth [p: 1 Kings 21:19; 22:17 and F: 1 Kings 22:37]

The dogs would lick Ahab’s blood from his chariot [P: 1 Kings 21:19 and F: 1 Kings 22:38]

Jezebel to be eaten by wild dogs [P: 1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:10 and F: 2 Kings 9:35]

Naaman to recover from his leprosy [P: 2 Kings 5:3, 8, 10 and F: 2 Kings 5:14]

The starving citizens of Samaria to enjoy an abundance of food in 24 hours [P: 2 Kings 7:1 and F: 2 Kings 7:16-17]

An arrogant aide of king Ahab to see this miracle, but not eat of the food [P:2 Kings 7:2, 19 and F: 2 Kings 7:17, 20]

A Syrian king (Hazael) not to recover from his sickness [P: 2 Kings 8.10 and F: 2 Kings 8:15]

Jehu to have four generations upon the throne of Israel [P: 2 Kings 10:30 and F: 2 Kings 15:12]

Jehu’s dynasty to then be destroyed after 4 generations [P: Hos 1.4 and F: 2 Kings 15:8-12]

Joash to defeat the Syrians on three occasions [P: 2 Kings 13:18-l9 and F: 2 Kings 13:25]

Jehoram to suffer with an intestinal disease because of his sin2 [P: Chron. 21:15 and F: 2 Chron. 21: 18-19

Amaziah to die for his idolatry [P: 2 Chron. 25:16 and F: 2 Chron. 25:20, 22, 27]

Sennacherib not to invade Jerusalem [P: Isa. 37:33-35 and F: Isa. 37:36-37]

Sennacherib to fall by the sword in his own land [P:Isa. 37:7 and F: Isa. 37:37-38]

Hezekiah to be healed of a fatal disease [P: Isa. 38:5 and F: Isa. 38:9]

Jehoahaz to never return to Judah, but to die in his Egyptian captivity [P: Jer. 22:10-12 and F: 2 Kings 23:33-34]

Josiah to burn the decayed bones of Jeroboam’s pagan priests upon the false altar Jeroboam had constructed [P: I Kings 13:1-3 and F: 2 Kings 23:~6]

Jehoiachin to be captured by Nebuchadnezzar [P: Jer 22.25 and F: 2 Kings 24:15]

A false prophet named Hananiah to die within a year [P: Jer 28:15-16 and F: Jer. 28:17]

Zedekiah to be captured by Nebuchadnezzar [P:Jer 21.7 and F: Jer. 52:8-9]

Nebuchadnezzar to win over the Egyptians at Carchemish [P: Jer 46 and F: testimony of history]

Nebuchadnezzar to invade Egypt [P: Jer. 43:9-13; 46:26; Ezek. 29:19-20 and F: history]

Nebuchadnezzar to be reduced to an animal for his pride [P: Dan. 4:19-27 and F: Dan. 4:28-37]

Belshazzar to have his kingdom removed from him [P: Dan. 5:5, 25-28 and F:Dan. 5:30]

Cyrus to allow the Jews to go back and rebuild Jerusalem [P: Isa. 44:28 and F: Ezra 1:1-2]

Alexander the Great to conquer Greece and establish a world empire [P: Dan. 2:32-39; 7:6;8:5-8, 21; 11:3 and F: history]

Alexander to defeat the Persians [P: Dan. 8:5-8 and F: history]

Alexander to die suddenly and his kingdom to be divided into four parts [P:Dan. 8:8, 22;11:4 and F: history]

Egypt to experience seven years of plenty and seven years of famine [P: Gen. 41:l-7,17-24; 45:6, 11 and F: Gen. 41:47-48, 53-57; 47:13, 20]

Egypt to host Israel for 400 years and afflict them [P: Gen. 15:13 and F: Exod. 12:40; Acts 7:6]

Israel to leave Egypt with great “plunder” [P: Gen 15.14 with F: Ex 12.35-36]

The Northern kingdom of Israel to be carried off into Assyrian captivity [P: I Kings 14.15-16; Hos 1.5; 10.1,6 and F: 2 Kings 17.6-7, 22-23]

The captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel would happen 65 years after the Isaiah/Ahaz meeting [P: Is 7.8 and F: 2 Kings 17.24]

Length of the Babylonian captivity would be 70 years [P: Jer 25.11; 29.10 and F: Dan 9.2]

Egypt to defeat Israel at Megiddo [P: Jer. 2:16-17, 19,36-37 and F: 2 Kings 23:29-35]

Egypt to stumble and fall before Babylon at Carchemish [P: Jer. 46:5-6, 10-12 and F: history]

Egypt to be invaded by Nebuchadnezzar [P: Jer. 43:7-13; 46:13-26 and F: history]

Babylon to expand under Nebuchadnezzar [P: Hab. 1:5-10 and F: history]

Babylon to defeat the Egyptians at Carchemish [P: Jer. 46 and F: history]

Babylon to defeat the Assyrians [P: Nahum and F: history]

Babylon to be defeated by the Medes and Persians [P: Isa. 13:17; Jer. 5l:ll and F: Dan. 5]

Three world powers to follow Babylon (Persia, Greece, Rome): [P: Dan. 2, 7 and history]

Persia to consist of an alliance between two peoples (the Medes and Persians) [P: Dan. 8:14, 20 and F: history]

Persia to defeat the Babylonians [P: Dan.2:39; 7:5 and F: Dan. 5]

Persia to be defeated by the Greeks [P: Dan. 8:5-8, 21-22 and F: history]

Greece to be invaded by Persia [P: Dan. 11:2 and F: history]

Alexander the Great to conquer Greece and establish a world empire [P: Dan. 2:32-39; 7:6; 8:5-8, 21; 11:3 and F: history]

Greece to defeat the Persians [P: Dan 8.5-8 with F: history]

Greece to be divided into four parts after Alexander’s death [P: Dan. 8:8, 22;11:4 and F:history]

Rome to defeat the Greeks [P: Dan. 2:40; 7:7;11:18-19 and F: history]